LUKE MAYERNIK (b. 1981) - husband; father; organist; inventor; page turner; avid canner of pickles, peppers, sausage and sauerkraut; lover of dogs, cats, and Kassidy Grace; tattoo addict; poker player; life-long student with dreams of becoming a composer.
International prizes in improvisation and composition - NCOI (2004); Awarded the AGO Associate certificate (2004); RCCO (2008); CROPATRIA (2012-2013); University of Michigan International Organ Improvisation Competition (2014); Choral Composer Competition - Preveza, Greece (2022).
Luke has recently won the 2023 VOCES8 Composition Competition.
Luke studied(ies) with Mrs. Dudas, Beryl Flemming, Neil Stahurski, Ann Labounsky, John Walker, Edgar Baird Highberger, David Conte, David Garner, Rodney Gehrke, Donald Grantham, and Stewart Thompson.
Luke's music is published with Voces8 Publishing,
Universal Music, E.C. Schirmer, Walton Music, Hal Leonard,
and many others.